Friday, May 29, 2009

Book Review/Summary - 1984

1984 is a book written by George Orwell about 50 years ago. It depicted the way life would be in 1984.

In that book, the government controlled all aspects of individuals lives. They were in people's homes monitoring everything that a person did.

It was even illegal to think outside of what the government wanted people to think. They called it thought crime and the people that committed it were thought criminals.

The book was an obvious exaggeration, but it is a very popular book that is commonly read in the later years of high school.

Life in our real world now is far from what the book suggests, but there are some truths in it. People are quite controlled by media, corporations, and government.


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Creation of life - random.

Life is a process of living. How does matter come to life? Does a "God" have to create life or can it be created at random?

Theoretically, life is a process of creating mere replicas of itself. Computer viruses can easily do this. Does that mean that a computer virus is alive? What if the computer virus could create slight constrained random variations of itself? The replicas would all be different. If the replicas were in an environment where not all of them would be able to survive to continue the replication process, would the offspring change over time. Theoretically, it would if the process continued on.

The universe is a very, very large place. It has a lot of matter and movement in it. It also has been around for a long time. The math could be done to figure out exactly each of those. Could an "engine" in space be created just by chance?

To simulate this, I will use a computer created universe. In this universe, there will be all different types of little pieces of matter that could be attached to each other with some "universal" rules. It will be as much of a clone of our universe as possible. If the simulation was to run, then over time, some of the matter would possibly end up in the shape of some "engine" that is consistent with the behaviors of life. The "life" would change based on the principles of evolution and the "life" could possibly achieve intelligence. Could this be all that life is?